Turning Hearing Loss into “Hearing Gain”
To expand awareness of HearingLife’s National Campaign for Better Hearing program, which provides complimentary hearing assessments to anyone in need, Kaplow took a local media approach to share the heartwarming stories of recipients.
Impressions since 2021
Placements in key markets
Hearing aids given to
those in need
Bringing hearing care to consumers one state at a time
Kaplow identified consumers with impactful stories that would move regional audiences and conducted targeted outreach in towns and cities across the country to spread awareness of hearing loss in each community. Emotionalizing the impact of hearing loss and storytelling in a personal way drove earned media and share of voice for HearingLife.
As a result of the coverage, HearingLife has seen how local coverage directly impacts the business and helps drive sales. Additionally, coverage has further amplified HearingLife’s key messages focused on the donations from the campaign and all that you gain by treating hearing loss.

Case Studies